The Theory of
Line Patterns
No figure out of the possible 30^49 (2E72)
is the square root or greater as improbable by design
using prime digits 2 and 5
as all of the 2^23 * 29! / 18! (1E22) figures shown
using prime digits 3 and 7 by the noted sub-pattern.
math on 37 patterns

37 primary patterns of the pseudo sentence that prove that the author was either extremely lucky or used an alternate method.
This is partially based on Dr Ivan Panin's work of one hundred years ago and others.

If you are not a mathematician, the full significance of this proof may not be immediately obvious so allow me to put it in non-mathematicians terms. 3 and 7 are the most significant digits making 37 and 73 very important to the reader (777 is 3 7s or 7 3 times.) In a non-mathematicians terms, every time one of these numbers shows up, it is a big deal. In fact, it is so big of deal that any mathematician, who actually takes the time to study this proof in detail, can verify that there is less than one in a trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion probability that these 37 patterns could have occurred by chance and defined the event described by the pseudo sentence. and that is even ignoring the additional patterns found in 'PI', 'e', 'c', and 'DNA'. Just ask any mathematician to verify the math for you. I will assume that anyone who does not provide a counter argument by clicking feedback agrees with my assessment. If I have made a math or logic error somewhere, please let me know.

If you find one of the one hundred or so existing printed sentences that are at least the cube root as improbable as the pseudo sentence, enter it here. For you naysayers that will try to claim that we are rolling a hundred dice, getting sixteen threes, and calling it highly unlikely, here is your opportunity to provide another sentence that is the cube root as improbable as the pseudo sentence. As long as none are provided, that clearly disproves your conjecture. Yes we are rolling a lot of dice, but when you take into account the very low probability items, this is far beyond chance. Math proves that. Mathematical facts cannot be argued with. If you do find one of these one hundred or so existing printed sentences that are at least the cube root as improbable as the pseudo sentence, you can use it as your counter argument in any discussions on the matter. Use any patterns your heart desires as long as you can prove thst it is truly improbable and not just the roll of the dice. If you find all one hundred, then you can try and use the argument that it happens almost all the time, if you can convince people that the cube root is the same as almost.

All of the following 37 patterns are related to the two most significant digits, 3 is for triangle, 7 is for lucky number The first four are also related to 'PI', 'e', 'c', and 'DNA' proving that whoever wrote this pseudo sentence found in PI, e , 'c', 'DNA' and the original book some incredible patterns that appear beyond chance.

To disprove this theory, you have to use prime digits other than these digits of 3 and 7 which leaves 2 and 5 to recreate these patterns with your own sentence.

73 is evenly divisible by more than any other number for subsets of 'PI' and other constants, This is either an incredible coicidence or the sentence and 'PI' have the same author. Emperically these two have a one in four hundred thousand probability of occurring by chance and are totally ignored in our one in a googol calculation.       PI       constants2.txt

If you create numbers from 'PI', 'e', and 'PHI' using the offsets of the numeric values of the twenty eight letters of the sentence, you find that after seven hundred digits, all of the numbers to infinity are special prime pairs or a multiple, 37 and 73. This is true for all three of the basic methods, a one in five hundred probability of occurring by chance, and a one in 9E62 = 43:7 * 32:7 * 39:16 * 44:23 * 31:7 * 23:5 for getting two hundred and twelve out of nine hundred and sixty of special prime pairs and only sixty five of secular prime pairs in the more general case. This is like winning the lottery seven weeks in a row. To disprove this theory, you have to write a sentence that gets at least two hundred and twelve secular prime pairs and less than sixty five of special prime pairs. This is totally ignored in our one in a google calculation. I challenge anyone to try to do the same with secular prime pairs of 25 and 52. I have already written the code to try your sentence here:       PI       e       PHI       results

Pattern 1. The numeric value of the sentence equals the product of the two most significant digits, 37 * 73. This product plus 37 equals the exact weight of the amino acids which make up our twenty three chromosomes. The probability that the amino acids weights of DNA would be this exact to five significant digits is one in a hundred thousand, just this fact alone, and we are totally ignoring this in our one in a google calculations of the probability that the author was extremely lucky or used some alternate method. The first twenty three, the number of chromosomes in the human body, digits of 'PI', ignoring the decimal point and as a complete number, is evenly divisible by 73, the two most significant digits. One in three numbers will do this kind of thing but it is still interesting to see where it happens. 'e' to the 'PI', rounded, is equal to twenty three, the number of chromosomes in human DNA. 'PI' to the 'e' rounded up is also 23. The number created by the first 23023 digits of 'PI' is evenly divisible by twenty three, the number of chromosomes in the human body. The number created by the first 73073 digits of 'PI' are evenly divisible by 73. The number created by the first 7300 digits of 'PI' is evenly divisible by 73, and the digits added together are evenly divisibly by twenty three, the number of chromosomes in the human body. The digits of 'PI' between the first and 37 * 7 are evenly divisible by 73. The value as a complete number between the first and the 73rd digits of 'PI' are evenly divisible by twenty three, the number of chromosomes in the human body. The first 2701 ( 37 * 73 ) digits of pi added together are evenly divisible by 37. The first 7! (5040) digits of pi added together are evenly divisible by 37. The number created by the digits between the first and 3773 of 'PI' is evenly divisible by 23, the number of chromosomes in human DNA. The digits between the first and 3^7 digits of 'PI' added together are evenly divisible by 73, 137, and 10001 for the trinity of eternity . Just for fun, the number created by the digits between the first and 7825 , a very special number to mathematicians, digits of pi is evenly divisible by 37. It works for all of the addition of the brown numbers, 5 + 4 = 9, 11 + 5 = 16, and 71 + 7 = 78. The digits between the first and 32993 of 'PI', another number important to mathematicians, is evenly divisible by twenty three, the number of chromosomes in the human body. The first 383, a very important number to mathematicians, digits of 'PI' added together are evenly divisible by both 73 and twenty three, the number of chromosomes in the human body, and in fact is the multiple of twenty three times 73. Another very special number to mathematicians, the cannonball number 4900 (0:19), seventy times seventy as opposed to seven times seventy, digits added together digits of 'PI' is divisible by both 37 and 888 and, as a number, is evenly divisible by 73. Of at least the first four first n perfect numbers, they all meet one of these conditions, n = 1 (6) 23, n = 2 (6) 23, n = 3 (120) 37, n = 4 (30240) 23. The digits of 'PI' between the place and value of the pseudo sentence when added together are evenly divisible by 37. The digits between the first and 2701th digit of PI, as a complete number, has a remainder of twenty three, the number of chromosomes in human DNA, when divided by 37, the two most significant digits. The author only knew 'PI' to two digits. The digits of 'e' from 37 to 73 are evenly divivible by 37, the two most significant digits, when treated as a complete number. The author had no clue what 'e' was. The exact speed of light , 'c', in kilometers per second is evenly divisible by 73, the two most significant digits. It should be noted that while 'PI' and 'e' are universal constants that are exactly the same everywhere in the universe, the speed of light is defined by scientists. The scientists may have defined the speed of light to have patterns related to the pseudo sentence on purpose. The author thought that the speed of light was infinite. It is interesting to note that the speed of light, 'c', divided by 37 * 73 (2701) digits add up to twenty three, the number of chromosomes in human DNA, and has a remainder of the number of days in the year. Yes, 'PI' and 'e', and even the speed of light, 'c', have patterns directly related to Genesis 1:1. 'PI' is the most important constant in the universe. 'e' is the second most important. The speed of light, 'c', is the third most important. The sentence position times the value times the place for each letter added together is evenly divisible by 73, the two most significant digits, even though there isn't a single 73 in any of the individual factors before adding together. The numeric value of the pseudo sentence, 37 * 73 = 2701 is the 73rd triangle. The last two words of the pseudo sentence has a numeric value of 703, the circle in the center being for the round object in the pseudo sentence. The very first word of this very first sentence , where the author's sons death is foretold, has the number between the first and the value evenly divisible by 73, the digits evenly divisible by twenty three, the number of chromosomes in the human body, and the number between the first and the place evenly divisible by 37. Probability: 1 in 1E4. (ignoring 'PI', 'e', 'c', and 'DNA').

It should be pointed out that we are rolling enough dice with the divisions that about one third of any number will show one of these relationships in any random set. I show them here because there are an unusually high number of straight forward relationships, but the prime issue with pattern one is that the value of this sentence is the two most significant digits multiplied together, 37 * 73 and that that value plus 37 is the exact weight of the twenty amino acids in DNA.

Pattern 2. The numeric value of the nouns, words 3 and 7 and the word in between, add up to the two most significant digits, 37 * 7 * 3 = the most lucky number, 777. 777 is 3 7s or 7 3 times. The sum of the digits between the 1st and 777th digits of 'PI' is evenly divisible by twenty three, the number of chromosomes in the human body, and ends in 73. The author only knew 'PI' to two digits. The number using digits between 1 and 777 of 'e' are evenly divisible by 37, the two most significant digits. The digits of 'PI' between one and the addition of the digits in the speed of light, is evenly divisible by 37, the two most significant digits. Probability: 1 in 1E3 (ignoring 'PI', 'e', 'c', and 'DNA').

Pattern 3. Exactly twenty three, the number of chromosomes in the human body, subsets of words are evenly divisible by the two most significant digits, 37. There should be only four, not twenty three. Six are adjacent, there should be only one. Words two and four, have place values of twenty three, the number of chromosomes in the human body. Eleven subsets of the place values are evenly divisible by twenty three, the number of chromosomes in the human body. Only five subsets should be. This alone is a one in forty probability and is ignored in the calculation for the one in a googol probability of the 37 patterns. The sum of the first twenty three, the number of chromosomes in the human body, digits of 'PI' are evenly divisible by 37, the two most significant digits, 3 * 37. The digits of 'e' from twenty three, the number of chromosomes in the human body, to 37 are evenly divisible by 73, the two most significant digits. The first twenty three, the number of chromosomes in the human body, times 37 (851) digits of PI added together are evenly divisible by twenty three, the number of chromosomes in the human body. The remainder of the first twenty three, the number of chromosomes in the human body, digits of PI divided by the speed of light is (27163154) which is evenly divisible by 73, the two most significant digits. Probability: 1 in 2E4 (ignoring 'PI', 'e', 'c', and 'DNA').

Pattern 4. The number of the letters times the product of the letters divided by the number of words times the product of the words, ignoring exponent, equals 'PI' to five digits, the most important constant in the universe. The second most important constant in the universe, 'e', is defined by the exact same equation in the other first sentence describing the same event in the same book. This is totally ignored in the one in a googol calculation. The same accuracy of 'PI' is also defined by the Hebrew numeric values of "In the Beginning" thrice plus "God" thrice over "God" four times plus "created" plus "and", if you want a more complicated equation, 2997/954, but this far more complicated one is just by chance. The sum of the first twenty three, the number of chromosomes in the human body, digits of 'PI' add up to 777 divided by 7, the most lucky number divided by the most lucky digit. The digits of 'e' from 37 to 73 are evenly divisible by twenty three, the number of chromosomes in the human body, when treated as individual numbers. These five digits of 'PI', ignoring decimal point, plus the speed of light ends in 73, the two most significant digits. The remainder of these five digits of 'e' divided into the first twenty three, the number of chromosomes in the human body, digits of 'PI', has 777 (3 7s or 7 3 times) right in the middle. Probability: 1 1E5 (ignoring 'e', 'c', and 'DNA').

Note that if some of these things occurred, it would be a coincidence. All of them occurring, and the fact that the number of possible combinations of these 28 characters is 22^28 = 3.87E37 has an exponent of 37, proves that the author was either extremely lucky or used some alternate method. There are about 1E12 sentences in printed books in the world. 1E12 / 2E16 = about 1 in 1E4 in round numbers, or one in ten thousand chance that any other sentence in the world meets just conditions one through four, let alone the next thirty three conditions, and this is totally ignoring 'PI', 'e', 'c', and 'DNA'.

Some may try to claim that the author had an IQ greater than a trillion and put all 37 patterns in the pseudo sentence without incredible luck.

I challenge anyone to pick another sentence from any book printed prior to 2019, and any other two prime digits besides 3 and 7, and find anywhere near the quantity and quality of non-random patterns found throughout this website, using any patterns your heart desires. You can't use 3 and 7 because those are significant digits, and it would be illogical to try and disprove a thoery using the same significant digits.

All of the following are evenly divisible by the most lucky digit:,7: Probability: 1 in (2E2 * 7^25 = 3E23). There is almost one in a trillion squared chance that just these would be found in any other book, not even counting the first four or 'PI', 'e', 'c', and 'DNA'.

Pattern 5. The place value of the subsets of the first and last letters independently, and therefore also together of eight of the subsets is evenly divisible by 7. It should be only two. This is a one in two hundred chance

Pattern 6. The number of words is evenly divisible by 7.

Pattern 7. The number of letters is evenly divisible by 7.

Pattern 8. The number of letters in the first three pseudo words is evenly divisible by 7.

Pattern 9. The number of letters in the first five pseudo words is evenly divisible by 7.

Pattern 10. The number of letters in the last four pseudo words is evenly divisible by 7. *

Pattern 11. The number of letters in the last two pseudo words is evenly divisible by 7. *

Pattern 12. The number of letters in the middle and word to its left is evenly divisible by 7.

Pattern 13. The number of letters in the middle and the word to its right is evenly divisible by 7.

Pattern 14. The number of letters in the 3 nouns, 3 is for trinity is evenly divisible by 7.

Pattern 15. The numeric value of the 3 nouns is evenly divisible by 7. *

Pattern 16. The place value of the 3 nouns is evenly divisible by 7.

Pattern 17. The number of letters in the non-nouns is evenly divisible by 7. *

Pattern 18. The numeric value of the first and last letters of the first half of the sentence is evenly divisible by 7.

Pattern 19. The numeric value of the first and last letters of the last half of the sentence is evenly divisible by 7.

Pattern 20. The numeric value of the first, middle, and last letters of the sentence is evenly divisible by 7. *

Pattern 21. The numeric value of the first letters of the first and last words is evenly divisible by 7.

Pattern 22. The numeric value of the last letters of the first and last words is evenly divisible by 7.

Pattern 23. The numeric value of the first and last letters of the first and last words is evenly divisible by 7. *

Pattern 24. The numeric value of the first and last letters between the first and last words is evenly divisible by 7.

Pattern 25. The numeric value of the first and last letters of all the words is evenly divisible by 7. *

Pattern 26. The place value of the first 3 words, 3 is for trinity, is evenly divisible by 7.

Pattern 27. The odd numbers among the place values of the first 3 words is evenly divisible by 7.

Pattern 28. The even numbers among the place values of the first 3 words is evenly divisible by 7.

Pattern 29. Multiplying the place value by their order of the first 3 words is evenly divisible by 7.

Pattern 30. The digits of the numeric value of the 3rd word. 3 is for trinity, is evenly divisible by 7.

Pattern 31. The digits of the numeric values of the letters in the 3rd word is evenly divisible by 7.

Pattern 32. The digits of the place values in the letters of the 3rd word is evenly divisible by 7.

Pattern 33. The number of these digits in the preceding is evenly divisible by 7.

Pattern 34. The character position in the word plus the value times the place is evenly divisible by 7.

Pattern 35. The character position in the word times the value plus the place is evenly divisible by 7.

Pattern 36. The character position in the word times the value over the place is evenly divisible by 7.

Pattern 37. The character position in the sentence times the value times the place is evenly divislbe by 7.

* covered by other conditions
1 in (1E4 * 1E3 * 2E4 * 1E5 * 2E2 * 7^25) = 1 in 5E39
23 out of 128 was reduced significantly for this calculation. otherwise, it would significantly less probable.

The probability of any set of characters meeting all 37 patterns is about 1 in 1E39. (ignoring 'PI', 'e', 'c', and 'DNA') Click detail to try your own set of words to see if they match these 37 patterns.
The probability of these characters being all words is about 1 in 1E36.
The probability of these words being a real sentence is about 1 in 1E22.
The probability of this sentence describing the event in the pseudo sentence is about 1 in 1E24
Lower by a billion, trillion in case we over estimated gives: 1 in 1E(39 + 36 + 22 + 24 - 21)
Adding the exponents gives about 1 in 1E100 or one in a googol that the explanation of the event in the pseudo sentence has all 37 patterns by chance. I stopped looking at one in a googol. Remember, there are only 10^86 subatomic particles in the known universe, or by another calculation, 10^80. If you included all the non-random patterns in the pseudo sentence it is probabily actually closer to one in a googol squared, or about the number of cubic planck lengths in the known universe. You are going to need a lot more than 28 characters to duplicate these patterns.

26^70 = 1.568E100 so this would take at least seventy characters. One in a googol is absurd squared, (1 in 1E50)^2. This is just for sentence 1. We haven't even gotten to the other 30,000 sentences in the pseudo book Just how absurd does this have to be before you accept that the author was either extremely lucky or used an alternate method.
To make any set of random characters fit the subsets etc. the probability is:

1 in 10,000
2. 1 in 1,000
3. 1 in 20,000     emperical
4. 1 in 100,000
5. 1 in 200
6. 1 in 7
7-13. 1 in 10
14-17. 1 in 20
18-25. 1 in 10,000
26-29. 1 in 12
30-33. 1 in 300
34-37. 1 in 12

1 in (1E4 * 1E3 * 1E4 * 1E5 * 1E2 * 1E1 * 1E1 * 1E1 * 1E4 * 1E1 * 1E2 * 1E1) = 1 in 1E29
In addition to all this, which is already one in a googol, the pseudo sentence starts in human 'DNA' exactly 888 times, by the derived key, it is still a very large number of finds for a set of words with six letters in one and five in two of the words. It is interesting that 888, the first 70 * 70 digits of 'PI' is evenly divisible by 888. The first half of sentence Genesis 1:1, as one solid unit of letters, is found forty eight times under different keys, and the second half is found thirty four times. The author's sons name in Greek is found in the first two hundred digits of the Golden Ratio (PHI) verify Just this paragraph alone in about one in a billion that they occurred by random chance.
$1000 says you can't disprove 'The Theory of Patterns', even for sentence 1.
Petition to teach 'The Theory Of Patterns' in schools?       math       Please sign.

name: city: state:
feedback (limit 500 characters)
The only thing that is public is the number of signatures by state.

Number of signatures by state:
statecountmost recent
AK302024-04-22 14:48:30
AL12023-03-19 23:42:03
AR352024-05-12 04:43:33
AS322024-04-14 20:41:22
AZ392024-05-04 12:06:56
CA262024-04-10 19:44:15
CO352024-04-23 23:52:20
CT362024-05-15 20:05:46
DE342024-04-23 21:06:51
FL292024-05-01 15:26:35
FM312024-05-08 20:53:56
GA352024-05-02 17:58:35
GU332024-03-31 00:36:13
HI272024-05-02 22:22:25
IA402024-04-20 16:26:36
ID282024-03-01 16:20:51
IL252024-05-14 01:12:12
IN382024-05-15 06:55:12
KS342024-04-05 04:53:04
KY362024-05-06 05:24:51
LA272024-03-17 07:41:29
MA322024-05-08 02:52:57
MD222024-05-01 20:04:31
ME322024-05-03 15:00:01
MH282023-11-03 04:40:53
MI272024-05-04 06:36:15
MN232024-04-19 03:21:53
MO192024-04-10 15:23:00
MP252023-11-13 03:16:57
MS342024-05-10 18:37:49
MT312024-04-26 16:47:34
NA422024-05-16 07:12:23
NC252023-11-25 02:45:08
ND282024-04-23 20:12:20
NE322024-04-13 12:02:17
NH262023-11-17 01:34:57
NJ342024-05-15 10:36:26
NM322024-04-25 15:10:31
NV232023-11-26 14:53:54
NY362024-04-17 13:00:30
OH212023-01-11 18:17:49
OK332024-04-29 01:42:56
OR252024-03-08 02:37:01
PA302024-03-16 00:01:41
PR422024-04-28 18:57:52
PW392024-04-29 06:34:55
RI272024-01-09 15:17:43
SC292024-04-26 23:01:48
SD302024-04-15 22:36:50
TN352024-02-06 04:30:10
TX232024-04-05 00:35:14
UT322024-01-19 05:32:10
VA322024-02-27 19:34:17
VI292024-05-12 18:54:56
VT252024-03-01 20:46:49
WA402024-05-10 12:31:55
WI312024-04-06 02:07:20
WV322024-04-01 18:42:58
WY812024-04-10 13:54:21

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